Small Bags , Big Hearts

 By |  Dr. Nasir Shamas ,21 Apr

About Us

Welcome To Kashmir Medical Representatives' Association


Kashmir Medical Representatives Association

KMRA is a registered trade union vide no. 1456 under Trade Union Act before the Registrar Trade Union (Labour Commissioner) J&K. 

KMRA is a well organised and constructive assciation of Medical Representatives of Kashmir Valley with registered office at Srinagar and membership of more than 1000. 


KMRA Agenda:


1. Creating a favourable environment for working of Medical Representatives in the Valley.


2. Fighting for the staturory rights of Medical Representatives in the valley. 


3. Striving for securing the Employment benefits and Job Security of It's memebers.


4. Belives in Bi-lateral dialogue while resolving the Industrial Disputes between Employers vs Employees.


5. Maintaining Transparency between KMRA Leadership and It's members.




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