Small Bags , Big Hearts

 By |  Dr. Nasir Shamas ,21 Apr


Small Bags , Big Hearts

 21 Apr | BY  Dr. Nasir Shamas

Life of a Medical Rep. 

Whatever is the season, be it Spring turbulence , hot Summer noons, Eerie Autumn dusk, and chilly frosty Winters , u can always spot a well dressed young local lad with a small leather bag who has hardly finsihed his graduation waiting calmly for hours to do the job sincerely he has been assigned.


"Represent his brand of Medicine"

    The warm smile and an the elegance he carries his brand of medicine to put forth a stake with rationality making a Doctor to give a thorough consideration to the Brand.


  The patience at this young age amongst all in this tribe is inspirational and worth analysis. . Extended waiting hours never deters them to appear fresh and vibrant once in front of the Doctor they call.

   The hardwork they put in to earn a living to help thier families , support thier parents, Treat their ailing, educate thier kids and finance thier own studies at times is an inspirational story with each one of them that needs to be noted, told and highlighted repeatedly in feont of the unawarr masses.

   The typical Prototype of a Young tall determined lad,  wearing long over coat, with a brown leather bag by side waiting for hours calmly to perform when he gets a chance is an amazing skill we all repsect, admire and appreciate.



   One can avoid , ignore and pass by them at times but surely we can’t rub off the contribution they put in as a humble bead in the chain of our healthcare.

  The One’s with Quality Brands carry assurance of health forward and pass the fresh knowledge about drugs and thier actions to the medicos updating them with flyers, journals by mini CMEs every time they meet.

   These silent teachers , leave our cabins, after serving hot fresh lnowledge and latest information within shortest possible time .
    A small Note for them all that till they carry honesty and quality on thier sleeves , they Unlnowingly become a part of saving hundreds of lives .


    Just a Warm Hug and Gratitude to this Profession Of Medical Representative who put in hard work behind the curtains and complete the vital heathcare chain in every corner of the World.

Dr. Nasir Shamas


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